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Influencer collaboration

Are you passionate about prints and do you want to share this with your online following, while also receiving something for it? Then the influencer collaboration with Print&Bind might be something for you! 

Influencers are often divided into seperate types of influencers:

the nano-influencer (500 - 5000 followers);

the micro-influencer (5000 - 30 000 followers);

the power-influencer (30 000 - 500 000 followers);

the celebrity (+500 000 followers).

Apply now!

To see if there is a match between you and Print&Bind, we would like to get to know you a bit better. Copy the following questions into the contact form at the bottom of this page, add your answers to the questions, and we will contact you as soon as possible! 

  • On which social media platform(s) are you active?

  • How many followers do you have?

  • Who is the target audience, and what is the focus of your content?

  • Do you have any specific ideas for the collaboration?

  • Leave a link to your platform


Thank you for your message. We will contact you as soon as possible.